Monday, March 11, 2013

Understanding Accreditation

Understanding Accreditation

One thing that you will hear a lot about is accreditation.  This term sounds fancy and important, but really it is quite simple.  The WorldNet Dictionary says that accreditation is,

“The act of granting credit or recognition, especially with respect to educational institutions that maintains suitable standards.”  

This really does sum up what you need to know.

What does this have to do with you and your Online degree?  It is quite simple.  You need to enroll in a college or university that is going to provide you with the highest level of education for your money.  When you get your degree, you should know that you have what it takes to make it in that field. 

Not only will employers want to insure that your education has come from an accredited school, but you need to know how to do your job well.

What Does Accreditation Mean, Then?

What does it take for a school to be accredited?  Why is this type of school better?  An accredited school is one that has demonstrated that it is teaching what is required to educate students in that field.  Schools will need to have an outside company come in and observe their school.  They are looking for the board to decide that the school is approved for teaching the highest quality of information.

They will find out things like how the school provides education, what their resources are like (are they adequate) as well as determine if the school provides basic educational services that meet the demands and the minimums that are in place. 

There are several different ways that a school can be accredited.  Most of the time, the school will entirely be accredited, meaning that all of their courses are considered approved.  In other cases, just certain schools within the college or the university are accredited.  When you are applying for admission into the school, you should insure that it is fully accredited. 

For any school to become accredited, they will need to pay a considerable amount of money to do so.  In addition, the process is not easy nor is it everlasting.  The school is going to need to be re-certified as accredited every several years.  In addition, the accreditation process can take several years to complete. 

Why does any of this matter to you?  A school that is accredited is one that has gone through great lengths to insure that you are provided a good education by attending there.  A school that goes through all of this expense and time is a means of showing that the education they provide is effective in the field.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Where You Can Start Online Degrees

When you begin entering the world of online education, you will have to follow the same basic guidelines as you would for any other school.  You will first need to start with a goal to obtain a Bachelor degree and move up.  The good news is that the online degrees that are available range widely.  You can in fact get your doctorate or law degree if you are interested in doing just that. 

But, before you can do this, you may be required to take entrance exams as well as determine where your education stands as of now.  To get into college level courses, you will need to provide information as well as records stating that you have a GED or have graduated from high school levels.  In the cases where you will be able to attend prior to completing high school, your school is likely needed to sign off onto this.

If you have not been in school in a while, you may also want to consider taking some refresher courses to help you get back on track.  If you are continuing your career education, this is not needed in most case.

Finally, what you need to know is that you are not in this process alone.  You will be working with counselors and others that will guide you through finding the right program, online degree and courses to get started with.  This is a rewarding type of education, not something you are doing alone without anyone to guide you.

Learning after College

You have already gone to college or perhaps you never were able to go to college in the first place.  No matter what you did then, you are older know and not too sure if entering the college scene is right for you again.  If you are considering it then it is by all means the ideal choice for you.  Any person that is looking for an education can succeed in getting one now that this type of opportunity is available to you.

Never Received College Education

There is no reason why you can not enroll in an online school now, no matter what you are doing with your job and family, and no matter your age.  Online education allows you to get the most out of life by providing you with the opportunity to become educated without having to stop life in its tracks to do so.


Perhaps you are already out of college and now you need to recertify to keep your education up to date to keep your current position. Online education and online degree programs are in place to provide that for you. There are plenty of schools around the web that offer all sorts of recertification programs for those that need them.

Advancing Your Degree

If you currently have a degree but you would like to take it to the next level, online degree programs can help you to do that as well.  These are designed in such a way as to allow you to move to the next level of your education without worrying about losing your position at the same time.  

If you are in a current position but would like to further your degree to earn a better position down the road, then Online degree programs are designed to allow you to do that.

As you will see in later chapters, Online degrees are designed from the beginning of educational goals through many levels.  Sometimes, you will be able to get your Doctorate from an accredited online Online degree school. So, advancing your career can be done ideally on the web through these programs.  The best part is that you do not have to stop working to make it happen.

Just For Information and Fun

Anyone can enroll in an online degree program if they are just looking for an education.  Let’s say that you are retired and looking for something to do. Perhaps you would like to study history in detail.  Or, perhaps you would like to learn to do something new such as becoming a writer. 

These are things that you can do no matter what age you are or what your goals for using this information are.

In fact, there are plenty of individuals that are senior citizens going back to school to learn something new or to expand their knowledge.  The fact is that online Online degree programs are ideal for just that use.  Educating you without you having to stay behind in life is a great tool to actually have and to use.

As you can clearly see, Online degree programs and online learning is designed for just about anyone out there looking for an opportunity to excel with more of an education.

Who Are Online Degrees Best For, Anyway?

You may not realize this, but anyone that is looking for education can use distance learning to get it.  Depending on what type of education you qualify for will determine what you are able to apply for.

Just like in any other type of education, you need to have a foundation of knowledge to enter into the programs.  If you live in the United States, you will need to have completed high school in order to earn a degree in a university, although you may be able to begin earning some credits for that degree beforehand.  But, there are various programs to think about.

Online Learning before College

One thing you may not realize is that online learning is not just for the college level and ready student.  Well before this time you can be learning through the help of the web. 

High School

Those that are in high school can often learn through the process of online learning.  They can seek out their beginning level college courses to get them started in the process. 

Here, you will want to work with the administration of not only the college but also with your high school to determine your ability to qualify.  You may need to meet specific GPA status before being allowed to do this.

Home Schooling

Parents home schooling their children can take advantage of online education as well.  There are many home school curriculums that are already computer based, many of which will you CD ROMs designed by top educators. 

Now, children are able to go online to get the education they need.  This allows for several key benefits including instruction that is in the home but is still taught by a certified teacher. 

These programs are offered to children as young as elementary school and provide for every level of education.  Some parents find that enrolling their child into a program like this allows them to get the certified education the child needs that perhaps the adult can not provide as clearly as needed. 


Yes, even the preschool aged child can get into the process of learning on the Web.  Working with an adult, usually their parents, they can tap into the world of online learning to learn all sorts of academics in various types of environments. 

In fact, some children that have done this have shown to go on to do even better in a standard school setting down the road.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Save Money with Online Degrees

We saved this one for now because you will need to do a bit more research on your specific school to determine if in fact you will save money when getting a degree by distance learning or not.  Not all schools are the same cost and therefore you need to consider this based on the specific school that you decide on.

But, in most cases, you are undoubtedly going to save money.  The cost for an education on the web typically runs lower, in most cases, then tuition at the state or national colleges and universities.  The simple cost of enrollment is much lower in this method.  However, you are likely to save more money on tuition anyway. 

 You will save on travel costs, no fuel costs, no parking fees, and no cost for having the car in the first place.

 You will save on meals.  You will not have to pay top dollar for a cup of coffee to keep you awake during class.

 You will save on material fees.  In most cases, you will have software to use rather than large textbooks filled with information you probably will not cover.  Some courses may require textbooks, though.

 You do not have to pay room and board.  This alone can save you thousands of dollars for each year you attend.  You do not have to rent a dorm room, apartment or other second living arrangement to be close enough to the school to attend.

Comparing the costs of an online degree school and a local community college may be a different story.  You may have to spend a bit of time comparing this yourself, based on the location of the school and what it offers. 

Yet, it is important to note that some community colleges do not provide as many courses to study as the online options.  You can get a higher degree in some online learning schools as compared to some local community college degree programs.

Again, these are just some of the many reasons why you may be interested in getting an online degree.  What are your reasons?  Take a minute to jot them down.  Determine if they are met by what the degree programs can offer. The flexibility alone is more inspiring than most realize.

No Travel with Distance Learning And Online Degrees

Another benefit of online college degree programs is that there is no travel involved.  You do not have to have travel to and from the campus location. You do not have to waste your time driving in rush hour traffic to get to your class before it starts, again.  This is not only an added bonus, but for those that have a hard time moving from place to place, it is a great way to take full advantage of educational opportunities.

If you are handicapped, unable to leave your home or just do not drive, then the distance learning option may be a great opportunity for you to get into  the field that is important to you. 

In addition, you will find that there are no commuting costs either.  With the rising cost of fuel, most people will appreciate this.  No gas money is needed, no parking fees for the school’s lots, and no time off work.  You just get to attend school.

Of course, we should mention that in some courses, you may need to attend lab learning classes.  For example, in a nursing degree program, you are still required to get your clinical rotation in.  To do this, you may need to travel to the school, if local to you.  Or, you may be able to secure these hours through a local business that has a working relationship with the school.

Most of the time, if these opportunities are needed; your school will have the ability to provide you with the locations to complete them. 

Internet Skills and Online Degrees

As you get into the school of your dreams, you may find that you are learning more than just what you set out to do.  One of the benefits that you receive second hand through online learning is the ability to use the Internet. While some teens of today have absolutely no problem with doing anything and everything on the web, some older individuals might. 

You will learn things like researching, using communication technologies like files, various software programs, web cameras, and much more. 

Why is this important?  Not only has it become a very important skill to have for life in general, but more and more businesses are relying on the Internet skills of their employees to do their jobs.  You are going to find that the skills you learn here are ideal to take with you into the working environment.

Why Study Through Distance Learning

Now that you have a basic understanding of what an online degree is, you may be asking yourself, why should I choose this route to getting my degree?

The fact is that there are many reasons and we will take a look at the top ones here.  When you read through this e book, you should spend some time determining just how well distance learning would fit into your life.  Does online education meet your specific life? 

These benefits that we are about to share are really only the top ones and you may have many more.  Nevertheless, the bottom line is that there are many benefits to online education.

If you ask most people what they would like more of, their answer is time.  We rush here to there and there is just not a whole lot of time for you to spend your days in school.  In respect to the online degree, the fact is that you can learn while the rest of your life is in full swing.  Let’s compare.

If you graduate high school and enter a college in your local area, you are going to spend probably the next four years dedicating your life to your education.  Well worth it, of course. 

Yet, this time for education includes time to drive to and from the school, or perhaps you will forgo this all together and live on campus, sucking all of your time to put to school.  You also get not much of a choice in when you take your classes.  Often students have classes so spread out that finding a job to work around them is impossible.

Or, you can use online education.  Here, you can live your life as you are and get in your coursework when your schedule fits it.  Some people are naturally night owls and work better during the late night hours.  Here, you can do that.  Or, you can take a class at four in the afternoon one day and then find that you can sneak another one in at eleven in the morning the next time. 

Which online degree programs give you is the option to use your time as you need to.  You can study faster, complete that degree in much less time than a traditional school.  Likewise, you can take more time if you need to so that you can better stay on top of the other aspects in your life.  Time is one of the most crucial benefits that e-learning offers you.

Are Online Degrees Easier?

One thing that you should note is that there is a misconception that distance learning is easier than that of a traditional school.  This is untrue.  The fact is that you will learn the same academic studies that you would have learned in a traditional school setting but you will learn them online instead of in your local school. 

In many ways, the dedication, motivation and the self paced study are much harder to maintain in an online degree program. 

If you are looking for an easy way to get your college degree, the online learning community is not necessarily it. For example, let’s say that you enroll in a 2 year program to earn your nursing degree.  You are a mother and have a job.  You figure that you can easily get in a class here and there and end up finishing your degree. 

Now, as you are going through your life, you will need to find the time for studying. After a long day of fighting with the kids, you have to make a decision.  Do I want to stay up for another hour and do my studies or should I just go to bed?  If you do not have the motivation, or the time management skills to complete your degree online, you will not earn anything. You must persevere through each day and each class.

Although the work is no more challenging then you will find in your traditional school, you now have to keep your schedule and do the work on your own, without a teacher pushing you to complete it.  You still have that teacher and you may still have deadlines to meet, but you do not have a class at 10 am everyday, necessarily.

Still, the online degree may be the perfect way for you to get your education. Keep reading to learn more about it to really answer the question, “Is this for me?”

What Can An Online Degree Do?

When the online degree was first offered, it was done in such a way that allowed students to get caught up in their coursework or perhaps just get their lectures and classroom visits in from home while they still came into the school and took tests, met for finals and for discussions, which was a rare occasion.  

 Then came the scams.  Yes, there were several various online learning companies out there that were nothing more than scams.  They promised that you could learn whatever you needed and wanted to without going to school in the traditional method. 

The fact is that these schools did allow for you do learn online, but they were missing one critical thing.  These schools were not accredited.  While you could learn from them, your degree or certificate that you earned was not necessarily something that was recognized by employers.  Therefore, your education may have been solid but you could not use it to benefit your life.

Yet, online degree programs and online learning in general have become much more realistic and advanced then this.  The fact is that, today there are hundreds of schools that are offering online degree programs to those that are interested.  In fact, most schools that offer online educational degrees today are accredited, and often top tier schools.  We will talk more about why accreditation is important later on. 

Once you enroll and obtain an online degree, you are able to use that credential to better your life in any way that you can.

If you get a nursing degree, then you can get a position in the field of nursing that you have studied in.

If you get a degree in education, you are ready to be certified to become a teacher in the field in which you obtained your degree.

If you get a degree in computer programming, you can become a computer programmer.

The online degree allows you to get into a new position or better your current position.  In short, it works in the same way that any other degree would work for you.  The only difference here is that you will not be spending countless days at the school itself.  The school is accessed via the Internet instead. 

What Is An Online Degree?

You have likely seen them advertised throughout the web.  The online degree is a tool that allows just about anyone that is interested to get their degree from online colleges and universities. If you enroll in an accredited school, which you will learn more about later, you will be able to obtain the exact same degree as you would get if you attended that school full time or part time in the traditional way.

Online learning allows you to do the course work, the homework and even the lecturing aspects of the course of study on the web or on your computer. There are many formats for distance learning.  Determining the right one for your needs and abilities is important. 

Here are some ways that you will be able to learn in these programs.

1. You can attend virtual classrooms set up like message boards, forums or blogs and communicate with your classmates as well as your instructor.  You communicate in this manner when you have the time to do so.

2. You can use technology such as web cameras to actually watch a traditional class lecture happening.  These can be done live or in most cases they are taped so that you can view them when it works for your needs.  In some cases, you may be able to communicate in a live classroom with the teacher and classmates as the lessons progress from chapter to chapter.

3. You can use CD ROM learning programs as well.  Here, the coursework is self studied, at your own pace.  You may need to come into the school or visit secure online testing facilities to take quizzes or to send in coursework.

4. Email is likely to be one of the methods you use to communicate with classmates as well as with your instructor.  Files including class work can be emailed to your instructor.  Instant messaging can be used, in some cases, to help get your questions answered.

5. Classes may include just online tutorials that will be presented as a classroom lecture is.  You will listen and interact with the online program, learning as you go.

There are countless other ways that schools set up their online learning programs.  From live communication to self study, there are plenty of opportunities for you to find the type of learning environment that fits with your specific needs. 

In many cases, these learning objectives are set in place to allow individuals to get the best type of learning program based on what the coursework is and the need of that student is.

Schools often offer several options for distance learning degree programs. There is not one set method or model that is used.  When considering the various schools to select from, you should insure that the type of learning method that you prefer is offered there.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Online Master's Program in Literacy Studies

The Online Master's Program at the University of Nevada, Reno offers licensed teachers the
opportunity to develop advanced knowledge in the area of Literacy Studies. The online Master
of Education (M.Ed.) degree is a rigorous academic curriculum intended for the practicing
educator. This degree is a total of 40 credits and requires a comprehensive examination at the
end of the program.  The degree focuses on research-based literacy instruction from the
perspective of Multiple Literacies. Literacy in contemporary society is undergoing change as
a result of social, cultural, economic, and technological practices and advances.  As a result of
these changes, literacy encompasses many new ways of reading and writing; literate practices
are not limited to print decoding or cognitive strategies used for comprehension or

Educators in modern society must attend to the myriad and complex ways that
social groups construct and disseminate meanings through new and evolving literate
practices.  The online master’s program places special emphasis on the many literacies used in modern society and assumes a critical perspective about relationships between literacies and empowerment in a multicultural and pluralistic world. 

Applicants for the online Master’s Degree Program in Literacy Studies must have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better (on a 4-point scale) or 3.0 for the last half of the undergraduate degree.

Applicants who are U.S. citizens are not required to take additional tests. International applicants must take the TOEFL.  There are no provisional admissions to the online program. Please use the following checklist to manage the steps of your application.

If you wish to take some course work while awaiting admission to the graduate program, you
will want to apply to the Graduate School for admission as a “Graduate Special” student.
Graduate Special standing allows you to take up to nine graduate credit hours that may apply
to your online master's program. Taking courses prior to admission does not guarantee
admission to the program. Be sure to consult with the Literacy Studies advisor before taking
any courses. Please note that a maximum of 9 credits may be transferred into a master's
degree program from another university or from prior to full admission to the Literacy
Studies program.